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This guide will help you receive push notifications for Pokémon/locations of your choice. For list of supported Pokémon, see FAQs. Note: This method has a slight delay compared to direct push notification from Twitter, usually 1-2 mins.
Step 1: Download IFTTT (iOS, Android, Windows Phone)
Step 2: Register an account and login on your phone. You MUST accept push notificaions request after login.
Step 3: Create a recipe (you can use PC/Mac web browser). Follow these sub-steps:
Select "Create"
Find "Twitter" then tap on it
Connect your Twitter account
Select "New tweet from search"
Key in EpicSGPokemon (POKEMON1 OR POKEMON2 OR POKEMON3) ("Location 1" OR "Location 2" OR "Location 3").
Put as many Pokémon names/locations as you like. Remember to put "OR" in between or it won't work.
For location names, monitor the Twitter feed to get a sense of it. We can't provide the boundary for them. If pokémon name or location name has space, remember to quote them "".
Find "If notifications" then tap on it
Select "Send a notification"
Leave it as is, unless you know what you're doing.
Tap on "Create Recipe". You're done. Now you wait.
If it doesn't work, delete the recipe and repeat the substeps. Do NOT email us.
You can setup as many recipes as you want and on/off them when you move around.